The physical and emotional demands of caring for a loved one with a serious illness can be exhausting and even lead to burnout. It's important to maintain 你r own health and well-being so 你 can provide the best possible care.
Here are tips for handling some of the common challenges for caregivers:
- 给自己留点时间,满足自己的需求. 注意压力的迹象, 比如不耐烦, 食欲不振或难以入睡, 注意力还是记忆力. 注意自己情绪的变化, a loss of interest in usual activities or an inability to accomplish usual tasks.
- 饮食均衡. 每天喝大量的水.
- Exercise by taking short walks daily or at least three times a week.
- Listen to guided relaxation recordings or relaxing music.
- 在活动之间安排短暂的休息时间. 把晚上睡个好觉作为头等大事.
- 为你能做的事情设定限度.
- 不要让你的待办事项清单超载. 是现实的.
- Find a few hours several times a week for activities that 你 find meaningful and enjoyable.
- Let family members and friends help with household chores, meal preparation, childcare and shopping.
- Keep the lines of communication open among 你r loved one, 你, 你的家人和朋友, 还有医疗团队.
- 分享 你r feelings with family members or other caregivers, or join a support group.
- Give 你rself credit: The care 你 give does make a difference.
你并不孤单. 加州大学旧金山分校 experienced and sensitive social workers and case managers to help patients and their families cope with illness, hospitalization and medical treatment.
Adapted from "Self-Care for the Caregiver," Oncology Nursing Society, 2001.
加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this 信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of 你r doctor or other health care provider. We encourage 你 to discuss any questions or concerns 你 may have with 你r provider.
你和十大赌博平台排行榜相处的时间有限, thus it's helpful to prepare for the visit in advance by prioritizing the questions that are important to 你. 了解更多.